Issue 2/2001
- ![]() Abstract...- | Morávek P., Morávek D. | 41 - 45 |
Desiccant dehumidification of air by means of desiccant materials in combination with energy generation ![]() Abstract...Air-conditioning installation equipped with dehumidification by desiccation rotors utitizing power and heat from cogeneration units with natural gas engines is economical from energy saving point of view. Contribution backs it up with an example of combination and mutual cooperation of system components combined in this way. Based on results of utilization at a hotel and a sanatorium attainable savings have been calculated. | Wurm J. | 54 - 58 |
Principles of some trends in ventilation ![]() Abstract...- | Hemzal K. | 59 - 62 |
Optimization of air distribution with regards to noise ![]() Abstract...The article summarizes findings of experiments executed within framework of thesis. Thesis deals with investigation of noise emitted by stream of airflow circumfluent a blade or system of blades in conditions of air velocity specific for a low-pressure air-conditioning. | Putta L. | 63 - 67 |
Combustion products and their environmental impact ![]() Abstract...The contribution deals with individual po/lutants getting into atmosphere in combustion products and participating in its po/lution. Their influence on man, vegetation, especia/ly forests, ground and animals is described. | Lajčíková A. | 68 - 70 |
First Czech solar equipment with seasonal heat storage ![]() Abstract...The evaluation of yearly solar energy use in combined solar assisted energy source with heat pump and electric boiler is described. Seasonal solar heat storage is used for heating and soft water heating in the building of workshops for education of invalid young people. This energy source was built by state support (Czech Environmental Fund, Czech Energy Agency and Czech Energy Enterprises) and put into operation at the end of summer 1995. | Brož K. , Schwarzer J. , Šourek B. | 73 - 79 |
Heating design documentation ![]() Abstract...Comparison of legislative materials for defining the scope of design documentation required for individual stages and phases. Proposal of stating more precisely the required scope of design documentation. Professional public will get source material for business transactions within the supplier-consumer relations and a tool for putting pressure on legislation organizations | Toman S. | 85 - 89 |
Indispensability of heating systems hydraulic balancing from right regulation point of view ![]() Abstract...Contribution gives reasons for indispensability of heating systems hydra ulic balancing. By means of individual examples it indicates causes giving rise to indispensability of hydraulic treatment of systems. | Hurych M. | 90 - 93 |
European standard for ventilation ![]() Abstract...Respecting EUR 14449 EN Guidelines for Ventilation Requirements in Buildings, the ventilation rate required to provide the selected indoor air quality (three categories are available: A with 10 % of dissatisfied occupants, B with 20 % and C with 30 %) can be calculated, based on all present pollution sources, the available outdoor air quality and the ventilation effectiveness of the ventilated space. The ventilation rates required for health and for comfort are calculated separately and the highest value is used for design. Finally an example of required ventilation rate determination is presented. | Jokl M. | 94 - 96 |
Mathematical description of heating period ![]() Abstract...ln this article the standard occurrence time of outdoor temperatures during heating period is suggested as a function suitable for application in energy calculation programs. On the basis of relations derived from this function by author it is possible to determine course and occurrence of outdoor temperatures, heating period time, average outdoor temperature during heating period or during its part, course and occurrence of heat outputs and heat demands for heating for different climatic regions. Finally a numerical example of application is adduced. | Valenta V. | 99 - 102 |