Issue 5/2012
Methods for Designing the WSW (Warm Service Water) Storage Tank (Part 3) ![]() Abstract...The author deals with the complete dilemma that tightly relates to the building specific energy demand in his contribution and the subject matter thereof could not have been included in the contents of one single article. Therefore, it was divided in three parts: “Methods for Designing the WSW Storage Tank (reservoir) – (1st – 3rd part)”. The first part of the contribution was published in the 3rd number of the VVI magazine 2011. There were described designs of storage tanks for WSW pursuant to CSN 06 0320 or DIN 4708 standards. The second part of the contribution was published in the 2nd number of the VVI magazine 2012 and it was dedicated to the design ofWSWstorage tank pursuant to CSN EN 15316–3 standard. The author assesses individual methods of the calculation in this 3rd part and compares the suitability of their use for four different types of facilities (a single family house, multiple dwelling house with 23 apartments, block of flats with 105 apartments, and a sport centre). | Vavřička, R. | 194 - 197 |
Renewable Energy Sources in Households – Statistics of the Year 2011 ![]() Abstract...Paper presents the market development in the area of fules and technology of renewable energy sources for use in households. Based on latest statistic data, text comments actual development until 2011. Author concentrates on firewood, briquettes and pellets from biomass, biomass boilers and stoves, heat pumps and solar collectors. | Bufka, A. | 198 - 201 |
BREEAM Certificate In Use forFiladelfie Building ![]() Abstract...Authors submit in their article a summary review of the building assessment with the system “BREEAM In Use”. This certification system is presented at the specific sample of the Filadelfie building in the territory of the BB Center in Prague 4. The building obtained the certificate BREEAM In Use in the level “Good” and evidenced that it has been built up and operated with respect to environmental and economic aspects. The certification for the building has been ensured by EC HARRIS s.r.o. Authors focus in the article to the overall conceptual access and it does not include any detailed values. | Turčániová, S., Matějíčková, L. | 202 - 205 |
Assessment of the Likelihood of Corrosion in Water Pipes according to EN 12502 ![]() Abstract...Currently is valid in the ČR and SR European standard EN 12 502, which deals with the likelihood of corrosion of metal pipes. Corrosion is by the quality of transported water influence. Corrosion is a spontaneous process of destruction of metal material due to electrochemical reactions of metal with the aggressive surrounding. Electrochemical corrosion is caused by the thermodynamic instability of metal. The likelihood of corrosion increases with increasing temperature. Corrosion can not be completely suppress, it can only influence the speed of corrosion. The requirement is to keep metal properties during the whole its lifetime. Requested service lifetime the water pipe according to ČSN EN 806–2 is 50 years. | Jeleníková, I., Peráčková, J. | 206 - 211 |
Fire Ventilation of Protected Escape Routes in the Czech Republic ![]() Abstract...The author dedicates his contribution to the overall summary of the fire ventilation in protected escape routes that is applied in construction buildings in the Czech Republic. | Toman, S. | 212 - 216 |
Organization of HVAC and Other Technical Equipment Operation in Large Building through Insourcing ![]() Abstract...The author of the article, who is a long standing operation manager of the large operation system of the building technical equipment including the complex system of air conditioning and other HVAC systems, emphasizes in the framework of his experiences the fact that the building technical equipment must be operated in a high quality if it should fulfill the purpose for which it was designed and assembled. It relates to the necessity of its technical perfection and suitability as well as the reasonable amount of operation financial costs. Further, he reminds that the high quality of the equipment servicemen and operators is the necessary condition. Therefore, the author puts his mind, among other matters, to consider the change of the operational staff positions with respect to their obligations in the period of time beginning at 90th of the last century hitherto. | Nosek, V. | 218 - 219 |
Operation of HVAC and Other Technical Equipment in Modern Administrative Building with Attributes of Artificial Intelligence and Sophisticated System of Cold Economy ![]() Abstract...The author of the contribution, who is the manager of the operation of the large sophisticated system of technical equipment in the modern administrative building, refers to the fact that the mentioned type of the building within which the BMS system with considerable share of the intelligent building has been installed, puts the extraordinarily high demands both to system designers and their contractors as well as its operators not least. If there in the building has been applied an economical principle of the cold accumulation in the ice that is produced under more advantageous electric energy rates, the complexity of service processes farther increases. As it is evident, connecting problems relate to all participants both of the construction and its use. | Vít, M. | 220 - 221 |
Experience with Construction Preparation, Construction and its Handover from View of HVAC Equipment ![]() Abstract...The author summarizes his many years standing from the preparation and the implementation of administrative buildings and department stores constructions, in the contribution. In this connection, he concerns, among others, of the specification of the task submission for the designer, requirements of hygienists and he also points out at other certain accompanying phenomena as the reduction of the HVAC equipment scope due to prices of the constructions, usual problems with the implementation, the commissioning and processes of the construction handover and the equipment complex testing. | Bambous, J. | 222 - 223 |
Shall Equal Air Outgoing from Perforated Air-Duct Secure Draft-Proof Ventilation? ![]() Abstract...The author is engaged in the character of the outgoing air flow (jet) from perforated ducts, in his contribution. The authors submits possible solutions concerning the preferably vertical outgoing flow from the air duct and suggests the modification of outlet openings in the textile air ducts on the basis of experiments. It enables to adjust the direction of the air flow vertically towards the air duct longitudinal axis. | Příhoda, Z., Bureš, M. | 224 - 226 |
Model of a Sitting Person Acting as a Heat Source in the Indoor Environment ![]() Abstract...Heat plumes generated by heat sources, such as people, in ventilated and air-conditioned rooms may have a significant influence on the indoor air flow pattern; their momentum is comparable with that of air flow supplied by ventilation systems into occupied areas. Effective removal of heat gains can contribute to the reduction of energy need for cooling or mechanical ventilation. Computational fluid dynamics (CFD) simulations can be used in design and optimization of air distribution in rooms, providing that the computations are reliable (i.e. giving realistic results) and at the same time fast enough to enable comparison of alternative system solutions. This is why it is important to pay attention to simplified representation of indoor heat sources. The paper deals with CFD modeling of a heat plume generated by a person sitting in a confined space. The aim is to propose and test a new approach to simplified numerical modeling of heat sources, in order to reduce substantially the requirements for computing power and time without a significant influence on the results accuracy. The solution is based on the replacement of a heat source (thermal manikin in the current case) by a simple boundary condition. This simplification is elaborated in three variants and the results from simulations performed with all models are mutually compared. | Zelenský, P., Barták, M., Hensen, J. | 228 - 232 |
Indoor Environment and Human Health ![]() Abstract...The human spends a majority of his lifetime indoors. Indoor environment quality is affected by used building materials, construction of a building, and fixtures and fittings (furniture, wallpaper, paints, carpets etc.). The human influences environment quality by his presence and activities conduced indoors. Indoor environment quality is also affected by quality of the outdoor air. This article deals with the main indoor airborne pollutants, given their effects on human health and limit values. Necessity of proper ventilation is highlighted. | Lajčíková, A. | 234 - 237 |