Issue 1/1993

Displacement ventilation systems and their application in reconstructed buildings PDF 26.9 MB


KVARDA Z.2 - 3
Clean rooms technology PDF 26.9 MB


Horizontal ventilating system for a tool-making workshop PDF 26.9 MB


STRODER,R.8 - 13
SCHOOL demonstratlon project to reduce heat consumptlon PDF 26.9 MB


Demonstration projects objectively inform on verřfied lechniques and technologies enabling Ihe improvemenl of economicaJ efficiency of buildings and provide those, who are inleresled, wifh proves on technical and economical materiality. In 1991 Ihe projecl was financed by the minsilry of Educalion of Ihe Czech republic and belongs 1- Ihe firsl of ils kind. II opens a wide range programme, direcled and granled mainly by the ministry of Economy induslry of Ihe Czech republic. The shown part of Ihe project demonstrales lhal even at limiled financial means and with help of adequate measures heat consumption mighl be signřficantly reduced and the environmenlal slrain improved. The project is supposed to be cotinued by further adjuslmenls of the heating system, by additional thermal insulation, by measures enabling artificiallighling and waler savings.
FANTYŠ J.15 - 18
Securlng safety ln the boller rooms uslng gaseous fuels PDF 26.9 MB


The article discusses initial condítions for the securing the operational safety of boiler rooms using gaseous fuels. The author gives reasons for the demands laid on the venti/ation and states the risks arising during the operatíonal use of the boiler rooms.
PŘIBYLA,Z.19 - 21
Noise reduction (Part No. 4) PDF 26.9 MB


NOVÝ,R.22 - 23
Coldstorage for air conditioning equipment PDF 26.9 MB


Problems of cold storage by the ice accretion process from technical and economical points of view are discussed on the paper. Corresponding appli¬cations haven't been applied in Czechoslovakia t/71 this lime although they represent considerable operating savings.
HLAVAČKA V.24 - 28
Shadow efficiency of ouler louvres PDF 26.9 MB


CIHELKA J.29 - 29
Ventilatlng of large bullding wlth Infra-red gas redlators heating PDF 26.9 MB


The author presents to readers the design course and necessary data for design of the ventí/ation system of a buílding heated by infra-red gas heaters there. He facílítates in this way the decision concerning the applícation of this progressive heating method which has been often used there but which is practica/ly dismissed now.
KOTRBATÝ M.30 - 32
Amandment of the act on stale testing PDF 26.9 MB


HLINKA S.32 - 33
Part of heat loss by Infiltration and its influence on heatlng control PDF 26.9 MB


The paper concems for the practice signaficant problem - influence of infiltration on the regulating ability of the heating system with its criterion value defined by the Czechoslovak standard ČSN -6 -21-. The limit ratio of heat losses caused by infiltration and total heat losses for practice in bui/dings with lower energy consumption are presented there.
CIHELKA,J.34 - 35
Metrology laws concerning heat measurement PDF 26.9 MB


PECHAČ,M.37 - 40
Schedule TDP PDF 26.9 MB


TINTĚRA,L.43 - 44