Issue 1/2001
Experience gained in the course of boiler-room conversion to gas operation ![]() Abstract...The Sokol organization building in Prague-Dejvice (Na Hanspaulce) had been heated locally by coke burning boiler room. In this area built-up predominantiy by dwelling buildings this boiler room was the last greater source of environment pollution. After the restitution the Sokol organization unit gathered means for replacing the existing warm water coke burning boiler by gas burning boilers. The paper indicates some knowledge gained by evaluation of the test operation in the course of the first heating period 1999/2000. The operation economy and emissions level of the gas burning boiler room are compared. to those of the original coke burning boiler room. | Hemzal K., Mareš J. | 2 - 5 |
Boiler burner switching rate and switching difference size ![]() Abstract...The article deals with the influence of individual heating system parameters, of the boiler and regulator on decreasing the boiler burner switching rate influencing favorably the harmful substances production in the course of combustion process. Dependencies derived theoretically comply with experiment results. | Bašta J. | 6 - 12 |
Heating period 1999/2000 in Prague from the climatic variables point of view ![]() Abstract...The article presents the integral information about the course and character of the heating period 1999/2000 in Prague. In addition to the values necessary for the calculation of the heat demand for heating the climatological data, completing additionally the weather character in the course of this period have been also calculated on the basis of the climatic variables measured at the observatory Prague-Karlov. | Ptáková D. | 13 - 19 |
Fire-salety building design ![]() Abstract...The article presents valuable information about requirements concerning the fire-safety design of the construction project design documentation and its dealing with state administration authority concerned. | Tauferová M. | 19 - 21 |
Energy audit - know-how lor energy savings ![]() Abstract...The article brings information about targets, purposes and processes of one of possible methods of building energy audit elaboration. ENCON - process (Energy conservation) is a complex of measures for achieving energy savings, representing the interest center of construction investors, owners and operators. Nowadays a few different technical approaches to problems and solution of energy audits are used. Institutions exist issuing justification or authorization for experts elaborating energy audits. We pro vide regular information about development in this field. | Petráš D. | 22 - 26 |
Application of a solar absorption refrigeration system for air-conditioning of buildings ![]() | Hagendilk A.E., Machielsen C.H.M. | 27 - 29 |
Asbestos and environment ![]() Abstract...The article presents information about the risk of asbestos presence in environment. The author summarized everything known about these problems and comes to the conclusion that the risk (as distinct from the exposition to asbestos under working conditions) due to the presence of asbestos in environment is very small. | Hollerová J. | 30 - 31 |
Elimination of legionella from drinking water distribution systems - technical aspects ![]() Abstract...The article brings the information about factors promoting the growth of legionel/a in the distribution systems of warm service water and about technical measures to prevent the growth. The author brings also information about the most important foreign and inland legislation. | Šašek J. | 32 - 35 |
Accumulation heating. The best connection for solid fuel-burning boiler ![]() | Cankař P. | 38 - 38 |
Ozone in the atmosphere and the limit values ![]() Abstract...The author presents the information about the preparation of an international document concerning the ozone evaluation with air cleaners and about the preparation of the uniform limit value. The article describes the importance and the toxicity of ozone in the atmosphere, and its influence on the health. A survey is presented of the limit concentrations, valid for the Czech Republic and of concentrations determined by different foreign institutions. | Lajčíková A. | 46 - 47 |