Issue 4/2013
Looking back at Clima 2013 Congress ![]() Abstract...- | KABELE K. | 146 - 148 |
Administrative Building Passive Cooling ![]() Abstract...The article deals with problems of design, implementation and operation of office buildings utilizing the passive cooling, in his article. He demonstrates one of pilot tests as to the design of the administrative building using the (energy) passive element in our environment, which presents a specific sample of the new CVUT building in Prague. The contribution contains an abstract from computer simulations implemented in the individual design steps as well as the building monitoring results during the first year of its operation. | LAIN M. | 150 - 154 |
Flux Field above Panel Radiators ![]() Abstract...Authors submit the results of the experimental measurement the aim of which was mapping flux field on the instant above the heating radiator, fitted with the covering grid with the reduced flow cross-section and substandard orifices using the method of integral laser anemometry (PIV – Particle Image Velocimetry) in their contribution. Results are presented in the form of the vector velocity field in different heights above the heating radiator. | HEIS V., BAŠTA J. | 156 - 158 |
Passive Houses in Koberovy with Warm Air Heating and Ventilation ![]() Abstract...The author describes the implemented complex of 13 passive houses in the municipality of Koberovy and introduces readers with the implemented energy consumption measurement in this residential complex during the period of time 3 years (2009–2011), in his article. There are measured certain micro-climatic parameters in one selected and used house concurrently with the aforementioned measurements of the energy consumption. The author concentrates in more detail to the evaluation of the parameter concerning the house overheating the highest permitted air temperature over 27 °C in the evaluated room, in his article. He presents the value specified in TNI 73 0329 – Simplified calculation of evaluation and classification of residential houses with very low heat consumption for heating, i.e. family houses as well as CSN 73 0540–2 as concerns the fact that specified buildings have been implemented as so called wooden structures (houses). | ZIKÁN Z. | 159 - 163 |
Designing Solar Thermal Systems for Apartment Dwelling Houses ![]() Abstract...The author describes different methods of the solar system designs for apartment dwelling houses concerning the viewpoint of the need for the heat coverage and costs for their implementation, in his contribution. He provides the summary of different solutions beginning with those preferring the lowest purchase costs resulting in the shortest return of investments
until solutions with the high savings of operation costs, however radically higher investment costs. Practical examples of real systems demonstrate their technical and economic limitations. | GOTTAS A. | 164 - 166 |
Utilization of Renewable Resources for Production of Electricity and Heat and Effect to Distribution Networks ![]() Abstract...A large development of usage renewable resources of energy happens presently. Such resources are connected to distribution networks. Cogeneration units producing power and heat occur amongst these resources very often. This contribution includes impacts of such resources on the solution and operation of distribution networks and production of heat. These resources have further effects on control of the energy consumption and its storage. | VYBÍRALÍK F. | 167 - 169 |
Theoretical Maximum and Realistic Possibilities of Coefficient of Heat Pump ![]() Abstract...The author summarizes his findings concerning the dependence TF-?t that he deals with for several years, supplements it and extends it gradually, uses it in practice and subsequently publishes, e.g. in this magazine as [L4] and [L5]. The text is elaborated so that the reader can read through this article, only when searching an answer as to the question what realistic possibilities of the COP and its theoretical maximum exist. The author abridged the original text according to the reviewer’s recommendation by erasing several pictures and explanations published earlier in [L5]. It is necessary make the acquaintance of the aforementioned articles for the complete understanding of certain conjunctions specified herein; e.g. the effect of the frost deposit formation on the evaporator concerning the COP or the transition from parameters of the compressor itself towards the heat pump | KLAZAR L. | 170 - 176 |
Crisis Management in Non-Standard Situations – Business Continuity Plan ![]() Abstract...The author elaborates a very burning subject of proceeding the facility management processes in non-standard crisis situations, in his article. The opinion that outlasts in practice is that contingent crisis situation of status of technical or other operation breakdowns are solved by competent units of public emergency system and that the only one task of operation
managers of any entrepreneurial or unprofitable entity in such situation is to see after the immediate submission of the crisis report to relevant units and to protect persons which are present in the building through the form of fulfillment the evacuation plan principles. The erroneousness of this conception is proven by the author’s description and analysis of the specific event that pertains to buildings of commercial centers, the considerable number of which steadily grows up in the Czech Republic, in his article. Information submitted herein to the expert community can very effectively contribute to the minimization of crisis consequences of such events namely in various existential aspects for owners, tenants as well as operators of buildings and objects of any kind, by the author. | GAVENDA R. | 178 - 181 |
Certification of Ventilating Units with Heat Recuperative Gain According to Requirements of Passive House Institute ![]() Abstract...- | LERL Z. | 182 - 183 |
Energy Balance of Solar Radiation Falling on Earth Surface ![]() Abstract...Authors are engaged in the energy fluxes from solar radiation during its conversion on the earth surface in the dependence on the type of the environment, in their article. Authors demonstrate different methods (direct, indirect), used for the energy fluxes quantification. In the results is indicated which methods of the landscape sustainability affect the local climate positively and which negatively. | JIRKA V., POKORNÝ J. | 184 - 188 |
Insulations and Floods ![]() Abstract...The author deals with practical findings and problems concerning the liquidation of flood damages in insulations used for the construction equipment and industrial installations, in his article. He analyses their desiccation and replacement in detail. | KOVERDYNSKÝ V. | 189 - 191 |